Friday, December 23, 2011

Pennies for a dollar

For a long while now, I have been inspired by amazing bloggers who are living examples of the concept of 'New Rich' . And mind you, I'm talking about 20 something guys and gals who have transformed their lifestyles by various life-hacks. Just to give you an example of what I'm talking about, imagine living a life of a millionaire with only a few hours of work every week, or managing to fly around world for free, or becoming New York Times bestseller at 26 . All these blogs have amazing tips, practical ideas and best of all proven records of them working. Now, for a lot of people all of their advice or tips may not be appropriate. But lets pick what we can and work with that.

I've also been very interested in managing my money and maximizing it. I'm always on the lookout for deals, coupons and discounts. But then who isn't. The key is to be systematic and plan in advance to make the most of the all the deals and coupons. Same goes with investing, saving and money management in general. Inspired by Tim Ferris, I'm going to take a deep dive into cutting deals and trying out these ideas and distill them to find the ones that work the best and the ones that don't. My one peeve with a lot of these tips and blogs is that a lot of the things they suggest take too much time and people have waste a lot of effort on research. One of my biggest philosophies in life is the 80/20 principle. Nothing new but its amazing how every time you have to make a decision, all you need to do is think about the Big things and the rest will take care of itself. So I want to focus on only the stuff that gives the maximum bang for your buck/effort/time whatever you deem important.

And thus my blog, 'Pennies for a dollar'

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dogtooth is one of those weird foreign movies which had received a lot of praise in the media and especially in the blogosphere. Almost all the critics and bloggers I admire and respect had loved the movie. So basically as you can imagine, I went in with boatloads of expectation.

  Dogtooth poster

Of course it had to be good! I trust my taste in blogs and critics which in turn means I share the taste in movies with my Gurus of film-buffery. And if I didn't like a movie they LOVED, that would be a contradiction of sorts, wouldn't it? Actually no, because I respect their thoughts and views to understand where they would be coming from but can still have divergent opinions. See how I slipped in a snide comment on how it's ok to have different viewpoints and yet be ok with it.