Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Iphone 5 vs Nexus 4 - from Technite

Google launched their Nexus 4 in a quiet fashion, after their event in NY was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. However that doesn't mean, the device is a quiet or an insignificant one. This is the 4th iteration in the Nexus phone family and along with the Nexus 10 that was launched too, Google now has a full range of devices. But the big question is how does it stand up against Apple's iPhone 5 which was launched just a few weeks ago. Lets find out:

Round 1: Looks

Admit it, you want a new device for the swag. I know a lot of Apple loyalists shed tears when the iPhone 4S came in the same body of the iPhone 4.

The round is a almost a wash. The Nexus 4 has a grazed pattern covered with a glass surface which gives it a fairly unique look, but the brushed aluminum back of the iPhone 5 takes the honors. I'm not going to waste any time comparing the front which is basically a slab of capacitative touchscreen.

To continue reading

Sunday, October 14, 2012

1st quarter - status check

In my last post I had talked about embarking on an effort to read at least 52 books over the course of a year. For a while, I thought this was going to end up the route of my other such ambitious proclamations. However, reading is something I genuinely enjoy.  Hence I was a little more optimistic.

It helped that my wife is a voracious reader and she has been bringing all sorts of books from the library. I started reading from her collection first and and slowly started accompanying her each time to get my own set of books that I had always wanted to read. In addition I also started listening to audiobooks on my way to work and back. This way I was able to peruse multiple books simultaneously.  Its been many years, since I read books with such a fervor. During my most addicted moments, especially with books that are absolutely riveting, one can find me glued to the book (or the kindle, of late) right from the time I come back from work, while waiting in lines, the restrooms (which has turned into a mini library) and even during lunch hour at work.

Its been a mix of books, right from classics to graphic novels to contemporary literature. My appetite has been insatiable. I feel like I need to catch up on all the lost years. My Netflix and Hulu plus usage has suffered as a consequence and I'm actually pondering whether I should just yank them off. Now I want to write about each of them. But my thoughts are all wandering about all over the place. I need to gather them and give purpose to each. Let me start with listing my progress so far. And of course before I forget, I want to highlight goodreads.com. Its an amazing website with a great app to boot. The reader community is huge and its a great way to keep track of all the books you've read and also create a wish-list for future reading. Here's what I've accomplished so far:

The Great Gatsby
Shadow of the wind
South of the border, west of the sun
Animal Farm
Of Mice and Men
Such a long journey
Pride and prejudice
Freedom Song
Breakfast of Champions
War is boring
The Communist Manifesto
The Sun also rises

Currently Reading:
The Rape of Nanking
Brave new world
The Yiddish policeman's union
Blind willow, sleeping woman
Great Expectations
The 4-hour workweek
The Beautiful and Damned