Weekend saw me bring out my painting skills. I first got a painting booklet and some tubes and brushes from walmart to start with my new vanity hobby. I couldn't find a palette at walmart so had to use a makeshift one using a polished wooden board. With all the equipments set up I started on the mission to create my Mona Lisa. So how did it turn out ?
It was a disaster on all fronts. My hand felt as wooden as my makeshift palette. I couldn't get any free flowing strokes going, the colours were uneven, there were smudges all around. All in all it was a pathetic start, but strangely enough, I was feeling excited. The closest analogy to it would be bathroom singing. With the shower providing the sur and taal, we become Kishore Kumars in the those 15 minutes. Truth is even a donkey braying would be more bearable. But who the hell cares, its fun. The amazing thing for me was that I was able to sit and concentrate on something for 2 hours. I must admit I'm a fickle minded lazy bum, who can't stand still for a moment yet do nothing worthwhile. Sounds oxymoronic?
Let me elaborate: after lot and lot of self analysis and contemplation I have realized that I get bored with stuff easily and keep moving around without concentrating on anything. I lack focus and application. The laziness comes in when I realize I need to to do something new, when I've had enough, when the urge to do something in life is at its peak. I just let the urge pass and relax. Anyways more on me later (since this is my blog, you'll be subjected to my syava puranam off and then)
So for anyone still interested in my painting effort, here it goes:
This one is titled Dis"Unity" in Diversity . It is kind of my take on the current state of the world.
The next one is more near and less lofty in its abstractness or whatever (Why am I writing like Indian authors...gosh!)
And this one is titled Brickbats for Bankers, in context of the current recession triggered by the sub prime crisis. Or maybe due to their greediness or maybe due to the excessive nature of capitalism.(I've started blabbering again...please excuse me, its time to stop...Goodbye)