National november writing month is here again. And I feel so inadequate as every year. Just like the marathon I'm always afraid of signing up for, I'm not sure if I've have it in me to churn out 50,000 words within a month. I've somehow managed to pull the great trick of masking it under bravado. I keep telling myself that I could do anything if I put my heart to it but now is just not the right time. Hell, its never gonna be the right time. There are so many things I want to get to: blogging regularly, learn python, get back to regular exercise schedule and you know what? Never mind! The list is endless and my motivation: zilch. I guess the answer to that is: how about starting with something? So, no promises this time around. But I'm going to start doing a few things on a regular basis.
But NanoWrimo is awesome! Its a great community of like minded folks coming together, setting a target, following up on it, motivating each other and getting a wave of procrastinators to finally take the plunge. If you're one of those folks who always wanted to write that amazing fantasy novel, or your own Harry Potter series, or even write your own autobiography, now is the time. Go ahead and sign up for it.
As for me, I'm still here.
But NanoWrimo is awesome! Its a great community of like minded folks coming together, setting a target, following up on it, motivating each other and getting a wave of procrastinators to finally take the plunge. If you're one of those folks who always wanted to write that amazing fantasy novel, or your own Harry Potter series, or even write your own autobiography, now is the time. Go ahead and sign up for it.
As for me, I'm still here.