Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lalu’s solution for drought: Eat less – WTF!!

Finally we have a WTF statement from one of India’s finest comedians, Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav, former chief minister of Bihar, former husband of chief minister of Bihar ….oops..I’m sorry…husband of former chief minister of Bihar and former union railways minister. He has come up with this unique solution to avoid the impending food crisis due to a bad monsoon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How To Split A Huge CSV Excel Workbook Into Separate Files

Linked from

How To Split A Huge CSV Excel Workbook Into Separate Files:
csvHeadI recently started working with a company that does HUGE mailing lists. I deal with a lot of records everyday but this really is a lot of data.
They have an opt-in mailing list that they blast to once or twice a month. When I say huge I am talking about between 7 and 8 million email addresses.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Excel Tips

This is kind of a ready reckoner for myself and hopefully useful to anyone who visits this blog. There are so many tips and tricks to achieve some not so easy tasks in excel. Over a period of time one gains sufficient experience and learns how to get some stuff done.