Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lalu’s solution for drought: Eat less – WTF!!

Finally we have a WTF statement from one of India’s finest comedians, Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav, former chief minister of Bihar, former husband of chief minister of Bihar ….oops..I’m sorry…husband of former chief minister of Bihar and former union railways minister. He has come up with this unique solution to avoid the impending food crisis due to a bad monsoon.

Prasad goes on further in the same article asking everyone to eat just one meal a day and that way the food stock can be made to last for 13 months. This statement has confirmed it at least for me that this guy could have no way been responsible for the supposed turnaround in Indian railways. As it is there are claims that he inflated the profits and many railway insiders claim that he reaped the benefits of his predecessors hard works (one Mr. Nitish Kumar in particular is counted by top Railway honchos as one of the best Ministers the railways has had in many years). If these are the kind of innovative ideas Mr. Prasad can think off, I can wonder what a tough time railways officials might have had in managing his whims and brainwaves during this tenure. I still remember the scheme to introduce matke ka cups in trains to promote local potters and remember exclaiming to myself WTF!