Saturday, January 16, 2010

Facebook quizzes

Quizzing was one of my favorite hobbies as a kid, so imagine my pain when one sees inane and utterly ridiculous quizzes on facebook each day. A few samples for your perusal

What Greek god are you?
Really? I’m dull, non-descript with an unimpressive body and you have the nerve to call me Adonis and you show the sculpture of nude young man with flat abs(though he had a small dick). Whoever told them that Gods looked like that anyway.

How perverted are you?
After a series of images of close ups of body parts of women asking what I thought of them and then showing the full image as something else, I came to the conclusion that any straight man would have answered like me. The result, not surprisingly: '”You are really perverted! Would you like to post this result on your status?”. Why on earth would I want to put this on my status, But there was just a “Yes” button and no way to say “No” on the popup. So I clicked the cross to close it, it went out with a message saying, “Thanks! you status has been updated.” WTF!

How cool are you?
This one was an absolute bummer:
What is the capital of Peru: a) Lima b) Chile c) Peru city
Lima! I got this one

Who is known as the father of nuclear physics? a) Rutherford b) Einstein c) Chuck Norris
Not Einstein, its Rutherford. Got that one as well.

Which is the smallest country in the world? a) Bahamas b) Vatican City c) Cuba
That was easy. Vatican

I was feeling confident, years of quizzing had kept everything fresh in mind. It took a little extra time to process the results and then came the surprise: “Sorry! You are a douchebag”.

Who is your celebrity twin?
Now this one seemed to be aimed at girls, but I had no clue. It didn’t ask for my gender before I started. This was clearly the most difficult of them all, I had to think really hard. You needed have the brain the size of pea to crack this one. Anything bigger, you’re automatically disqualified.
How would you describe your character: Hmm… Obnoxious.

What do you do at a club: Do my super seduction dance. Mostly everyone goes away, unless they completely wasted; then they start to find it interesting.

Who is your favorite Disney princess? This one is a tough one man. I’ve to go with Sleeping beauty, she had the best rack in the cartoon illustrations.

What is your favorite candy? I don’t care, I eat them all

Congrats! Your celebrity twin is Paris Hilton! I passed out after that.