Saturday, January 2, 2010

Stuffed Mushroom With Cheese

I technically cheated on this one, since I made it on the 31st, but I was just trying to help….. myself. Anyways, the original recipe comes from the Pioneer Woman.(Awesome blog, addictive read).

As always when making new recipes you improvise, intentionally or otherwise. Here is the recipe from pioneer woman. I couldn't find any brie at Walmart, so had to make do with some cottage cheese. I completely forgot about the white wine, since it was optional. The finishing was bad, since I didn’t wait to dress it up but just started devouring it. Thankfully I managed to grab one picture with my cell phone to show for my efforts.

Mushroom brie

It didn’t taste too bad and the 3 people who tasted it other than me are still alive. So I’m counting it as a success. The secret of happiness is not to go for perfection, but to just go for it.